Rainbow Mountain
People were looking as we jumped around celebrating like we had just won the lottery; they have no other bookings and the weather is looking good, its ours if we want it.
Turns out that while heliskiing is insanely expensive if you're clever, or maybe stupid enough, to book a one way trip to the top of a mountain its somewhat affordable.

Giddy with childish excitement and grinning from ear to ear we board the chopper (it was all very Red bull ok, we were allowed to call it a chopper)

Flying in you couldn't help but be humbled by the terrain and how quickly a helicopter could cover distances that would take hours on skis.

Never the less, full of childish excitement and with complete faith in Frasers ability to lead us home (yes he is scouting entirely the wrong mountain) we touched down and the top of Rainbow Mountain.

No helicopter back up for us, got to earn those turns!

After spending the day on a few different runs it was time to head home. Maybe getting a lift back would have been good but with plenty of adrenaline left in the legs 19 mile creek didnt feel so long!