"Why do I do this."
What is it that, again and again, drives me down deepest valleys, up the tallest peaks and through the bleakest weather?
Why don't I just go somewhere warm, sunny and safe?
With covid, we have been stuck inside more than ever. Without seeing friends and family, without getting out and trying new things, without pushing our boundaries. More than ever we have become the centre of our story.
But the mountains, big, impersonal, unmoving and unjudgemental, they answer to no one - when you dance with the mountains they always lead.
I have always felt small in the mountains, they put me in my place.
And that's what drives me to the mountains. Getting out there forces you to stop looking in but look out, wake up and you can't help but find some perspective.
Why is that the highest places make me feel so grounded.
An escape from everyday life.
A place to find your limits, push them and grow a little as a person.
But most importantly a place to spend time with yourself, those that you trust and discover who you truly are.